Jumaat, 30 Julai 2010

Biasakan lah mulut mu dgn lahjah arab

dengan segala rendah diri lg humble mumble , tajuk di atas di rujuk ... heh ;)

siyes , confirm x nyesal klu tahu bahasa arab , sebab sepanjang hidup akan hidup dengan quran hadis dan doa2 dan sebagainya yang berkaitan....

quote yg perlu di fikirkan
" mana mungkin nak jadi faqeh , nak jadi cam ulama tp ilmu bhasa arab seciput je ,
x mungkin2
at least klu x pakar bena pun dia ada tahap or level yg tersendiri tuk bahasa arab itu...
so tulun lah , semasa ber environment kan arab ni ,
tulun la sgt2 jgn lpas kan peluang ni ,
klu xleh dpt grammar , biarlah dapat vocab nya or lahjahnya(penting bangat ni) ,
klu dpat dua2 lagi terbaek!!!
so please , memandangkan da merdeka , pastu da nak masuk clinical , grab la peluang ni
se maxima mungkin ....
ke arab Quran & Hadis & kitab ulama2 arab menjadi macam bahasa sendiri
(klu b.inggeris boleh bahasa arab pun ape kurangnya)
:) "

video ni memang wajib hafal r , tambah2 lg nak masuk ramadhan ni

( sedikit tambahan )
Farsyi Turab

My bed is the soil; it has embraced me and is my covering
Around me is the sand enveloping me even from over and above
And the grave presents darkness, in it is isolation
And the guidance was elucidated in his book, (but) I forgot my meeting

And the family, where is their sympathy: they sold my loyalty
And the companions, where is their companionship: they relinquished my brotherhood
And the wealth, where is its joy: it was left behind
And the name (reputation), where is its lustre (shine): between the folds
This is me, the finality of my state - my bed of soil.

And the love shuns its pleasure, and my eulogy is wailed.
And the tears lapsed after the crying
And the universe was constrained in its expanse and constrained was my space
Then the grave became my earth and my sky
This is me, the finality of my state - my bed of soil.

And fear fills my desolation, and grief is my ailment
I hope resolutely and indeed it is the avowed remedy
And the Lord I call sincerely, You are my hope
I hope of My Lord Jannah, in it is bliss.

فرشي التراب يضمني وهو غطائي
حولي الرمال تلفني بل من ورائي
واللحد يحكي ظلمة فيها ابتلائي
والنور خط كتابه أنسى لقائي

والأهل اين حنانهم باعوا وفائي
والصحب اين جموعهم تركوا اخائي
والمال اين هناءه صار ورائي
والاسم اين بريقه بين الثناءِ
هذي نهاية حالي فرشي الترابِ

والحب ودّع شوقه وبكى رثائي
والدمع جف مسيره بعد البكاء
والكون ضاق بوسعه ضاقت فضائي
فاللحد صار بجثتي أرضي سمائي
هذي نهاية حالي فرشي الترابِ

والخوف يملأ غربتي والحزن دائي
أرجو الثبات وإنه قسما دوائي
والرب أدعو مخلصا أنت رجائي
أبغي إلهي جنة فيها هنائي


mlm esok exam,
bace mcm xbce,
najjihna Ya 3alim

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